
  • A good defense: Get to know this immune system hero by DEBORAH HERLAX ENOS

    Posted on by Phyllis Keith

    The lymphatic system (LS) is often called the
    body’s unsung hero because it works hard to
    keep us healthy, but most of us don’t know
    much about it.

    It wasn’t until my oncologist stressed the need
    to take care of my LS to avoid lymphedema that
    I began researching its importance. If someone
    has lymphedema, their LS cannot sufficiently
    drain the lymph fluid and swelling occurs, most
    often in the arms and legs.

    According to Dr. Gerald M. Lemole, author of
    the book
    Lymph & Longevity
    (Scribner, 2021; not
    available at Costco), the better your LS runs, the
    better your body runs. The LS is the second line
    of defense—after skin—against foreign invaders,
    such as viruses and bacteria.

    Josh Axe, a chiropractor and nutritionist,
    explains that “the LS—which consists of nodes
    and lymph vessels—is a significant part of your
    immune system. Its main jobs include
    defending against illnesses and infections and
    helping the body eliminate waste and
    abnormal cells.”

    He adds that “the spleen and thymus are a part
    of the LS,” as well as the tonsils and adenoids,
    which “help trap pathogens before they can
    cause infections.”

    According to Axe, the LS:
    ● Removes harmful bacteria and pathogens from the body
    ● Produces immune cells
    ● Removes excess fluids from body tissues and reduces swelling/inflammation.

    According to Lemole, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a central engine or pump like the heart,
    which pumps blood throughout the circulatory system. Instead, the LS works through pressure,
    meaning your lymph fluid primarily moves when you do. When you don’t move, it doesn’t move
    much, either.

    Increased circulation, including increased blood flow and the flow of lymph fluid, is critical for
    removing waste from the body. So, get up and move every hour. Take a short walk around your
    house or add some stretches while sitting at your desk.

    Another tip: Stay hydrated, but avoid sugary drinks and excess alcohol. The body needs plenty of
    water for blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

    These simple changes can make a significant difference in your lymphatic system and your
    overall health.

    Go with the flow
    Dr. Gerald M. Lemole, a board-certified cardiothoracic surgeon, offers the following suggestions to help increase lymph flow:
    ● Practice deep diaphragmatic breathing to help move lymphatic fluid.
    ● Various yoga pose movements help to move lymphatic fluid through the lymphatic system.
    ● A NASA study found that jumping on a mini-tampoline can move lymphatic fluid four times faster than walking.—DHE
    ENOS, DEBORAH HERLAX. (2024, January). A good defense. Costco Connection, page 49.

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  • Why You Should Work with a Therapist

    Posted on by Phyllis Keith

    Working with certified lymphedema therapists (CLTs) can help your business. CLTs may refer patients to you for fitting services, or recommend your products to patients seeking compression and other garments. Having a relationship with a certified lymphedema therapist will also help fitters you stay up-to-date on any new developments in the field.

    Finding a Therapist

    National Lymphedema Network (NLN)

    • NLN Conference

    Lymphology Association of North America (LANA)www.clt‐

    CLT Schools

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  • Discover the Benefits of Wear Ease Compression Shorts and Capris Today!

    Posted on by Phyllis Keith

    Compression shorts and compression capris can be beneficial for those suffering from conditions such as lymphedema, edema, and lipedema. The compression provided by compression shorts and compression capris help to reduce swelling, improve circulation in the affected area, and promote healing. Compression shorts and compression capris are also beneficial for people who experience discomfort from inflammation, as the compression helps to alleviate pain. They are designed to offer support as well as compression, making them great for sports activities or everyday use. Compression shorts and compression capris come in a variety of styles and compression levels to accommodate different needs. When selecting compression shorts or compression capris, it is important to choose one with the correct compression level for your needs. Be sure to consult a doctor before wearing compression shorts or compression capris if you have any medical conditions. With proper care, compression shorts and compression capris can help improve comfort and reduce swelling associated with lymphedema, edema, and lipedema.

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  • Compression Therapy for Lymphedema Patients

    Posted on by Phyllis Keith

    Lymphedema is a condition that affects many people. It occurs when lymph fluid builds up in the body’s tissues, causing swelling and discomfort. Fortunately, there are treatments that can help reduce swelling and improve quality of life. One such treatment is compression therapy, which involves wearing special garments to help reduce the size of the affected area. Let’s take a look at how compression works and how it can help those with lymphedema.

    How Compression Works

    Compression therapy uses specially designed garments that fit snugly against the skin to apply pressure to the affected area. The aim of this pressure is to redistribute the lymph fluid away from the swollen areas so that it can be more easily removed from the body via other means (such as massage or manual lymphatic drainage). This helps to reduce swelling and improve mobility, allowing patients to move more freely without feeling restricted by their condition.

    The type of garment used will depend on where the lymphedema is located in the body. Compression garments for arms and legs typically consist of bandages, gloves, stockings, or sleeves made from elastic materials like spandex or nylon. For those with chest-related lymphedema, a compression vest may be recommended instead. These garments are typically made from breathable fabrics and come in a variety of sizes and styles so that patients can find one that offers them comfortable support without feeling too restrictive.

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  • What You Need to Know About Wear Ease Compression Garments for Lymphedema Treatment

    Posted on by Phyllis Keith

    Lymphedema is an uncomfortable and often painful medical condition that causes swelling in the torso. The good news is that Wear Ease compression garments can help reduce this swelling and make life much easier for people with lymphedema. Let’s take a closer look at how these garments work and why they are so beneficial.

    Compression garments are designed to provide support, reduce swelling, and improve circulation in the affected area of the torso. Wear Ease compression garments are specifically designed with this purpose in mind. They are made from lightweight materials that provide flexibility and comfort while providing a snug fit that compresses the affected area to reduce swelling. It’s important to note that not all compression garments are created equal—Wear Ease garments use special fabrics that wick away moisture, allowing them to be worn comfortably for long periods of time. In addition, these garments are attractive and easy to care for. 


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